© Arthur Neeman 2020
e-mail: { arthurneeman at gmail.com }
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Collection "Zaļā izlase"
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About this release
Released in 2021. JMR. This collection was created to reward contestants from many contests we offer. Collection includes compositions from earlier released albums. The unifying mood of the composition is green or forest what is mandatory for clean air. The list of compositions (from which album):- Dance Of The Sun / Saules deja (Two. Midnight Talks / Divi. Pusnakts sarunas, 2015)
- Blossom / Ziedi (Oracle / Orākuls, 2017)
- Mountain / Kalns (Oracle / Orākuls, 2017)
- Dunes / Kāpas (Oracle / Orākuls, 2017)
- Flower's Soul / Zieda dvēsele (Nature. Water / Daba. Ūdens, 2017)
- Leaves / Lapas (Nature. Water / Daba. Ūdens, 2017)
- Indian Summer / Atvasara (Nature. Water / Daba. Ūdens, 2017)
- Pokaiņi (Millectrinium, 2018)
- Mystery In Green / Zaļā mistērija (Presence / Klātbūtne, 2019)