Arthur Neeman
(born in Liepaja, December 13, 1972)
Instrumental electronic music composer and chariator. The artist. Programmer, designer, blogger, poet, writer. Courlander, a man with a sea wind in his long hair, dreams in his heart and music at his fingertips.
His musical field – electronic music. Meditative, philosophical, searching for new horizons. Music that goes through and over the Time and Space.
Interests: history and politics, philosophy, Baltic root’s, folklore, cultural history, nature, human inner world, art, linguistic games.
- 1998 - “Arthur 1998” (instrumental)
- 1998-1999 - “Birds” (songs)
- 1999-2005 - “City” (various)
- 2014 - Original music and voice-reading for the audiobook of Dace Judina Detective novel “The Strange Summer Solstice” (Memories have no lapse of time...)
- 2014 - “With Wings” (Venture and fly!)
- 2015 - “Two. Midnight Talks” - 20 instrumental compositions for collection of D. Judina’s and A. Neeman poems and essays. (Thanks, sun, for the light of the day!)
- 2016 - “Oracle” (Key. Doors for each of their own.)
- 2017 - “Nature. Water” (All living things are water.)
- 2018 - “Millectrinium” (We. And everything around us.)
- 2019 - “Presence” (Mirrors. Flight. Feelings. Senses, Presence. Existence.)
- 2021 - “Nature. Air” (Another part for us.)
- 2022 - “Dreams” (A signifficant piece of life.)
Creative path
The creative biography of Arthur Neeman is the synthesis of his four greatest talents – music, computers, design and words... Having successfully started his professional career as a computer network administrator, programmer and webdesigner, Arthur, in his spare moments at his home studio, devotes himself to his greatest dream - electronic music.
Learning from the masters of electronic music of the 80’s-90’s, he looks for his creative handwriting: experimenting with styles, arrangements and instruments. First four albums - instrumental (“Arthur 1998”) and instrumental-vocal (“Birds”, “City”, “With Wings”). Along with changes in personal life – meeting his wife, writer-novelist Dace Judina, regaining his family historical surname – Neeman (by 2015 he was known as Arthur Kiseloff, bearing the surname of an alien family) and the release of his first book – the five-author poetry collection “Happiness on a white horse” his creativity is also activated.
From 2015 composer Arthur Neeman takes part in literary-musical performances with his music, along with writer Dace Judina, reading both - his poetry and the fragments of Dace's Detective novels and historical Family sagas. Arthur's compositions form an emotionally saturated concert program outfit.
A new challenge to his artistic and technical skills comes with the recording of Audiobook of the Dace Judina popular Detective novel “Strange Summer Solstice”; in addition to reading the roles of literary fragments, existing and created Arthur's musical pieces are used as a “third stage member”, creating an emotionally dramatic background. They keep producing Audiobooks. Next step: Transformation of songs (Dace’s guitar-ballads) into new sounds – re-aranging into Artur’s electronic-style. Album “Night-birds” is in pre-production stage.
In the fall of 2018, an agreement is signed with Jaunlutrini Theatre director Sandra Medne on the original music for the show “Seven Nights” (“Septiņi vakari) - the dramatisation of the same name novel by Dace Judina. In addition to entirely new compositions created specifically for this show (48 min tt), the composer also uses two existing pieces, “Dune” from the album “Oracle” and “Letters” from the “Millectrinium”. The show has a ring-shaped composition, nine parts, each plot line is produced with corresponding music - different trends in electronic music enriched with majectic orchestrations. At the end of 2018 show “Seven Nights” takes part in the theatre views in Ventspils, and jury admits the increasing impact of the soundtrack on the full value of the show. After the tour of Latvia, the director of the performance S. Medne intends to work with Arthur for the creation of a musical accompaniment of criminal drama “The Ghost Train” and other performances. Other theaters also have shown their interest.
Between 2015 and 2019 five instrumental music albums have been launched marking the transition to a different artistic and technical quality: “Two. Midnight Talks” (2015; supplied by Zvaigzne ABC as a complement to the musical mood of D. Judina’s and A. Neeman’s poetry and essays collection); “Oracle” (2016, Jumping Man Records (JMR); a turn toward philosophically meditative music); “Nature. Water” (2017, JMR, sophisticated, deep-emotional silence music), “Millectrinium” (2018, JMR, electronic reminiscences) and finally “Presence” (2019, JMR), in which you can hear quite different things - electronic ideas turning into orchestration, creatinga synthesizing of sounds.

These five albums are recorded in copyright agency AKKA/LAA and Laipa.org databases, online worldwide and can be found searching by the key name Arthur Neeman, as well they can be found on all major music distributors' sites.
The composer is currently working on a number of new musical ideas - the sequels of the meditative cycle “Nature” - Fire, Air, Earth and Love, as well - Symphony Collection and the first collection for individual recordings of the nature / native sounds.
All albums as well as all sounds can be heard and purchased online - https://arthurneeman.bandcamp.com
Retrospection of albums (DEMO)
- “Light” (from “Two.” Midnight Talks”)
- “Oracle. Signs”
- “Nature. Water” (DEMO)
- “The Cranes” (from “Nature. Water”)
- “Sleeping City”
- “Little Sunstar”
- “Solver”
- “Courland Werewolf”
- “Flag. The other plan”
- “Roots”
- “Fink said”
- “See the stone” (DJ; AN arrange)
- “Quieter” (DJ; AN arange)
- “Against” (DJ; AN arange)
- Dace & Arthur “I won't give up”
- Dace & Arthur “Night-Waltz”
- “Such”
- “Hills”
- “Bird”